Si quieres convencer a tu casero inglés o la agencia de que eres el inquilino adecuado, necesitarás comunicar las preguntas y respuestas acertadas para que puedan asimilarte positivamente. Tener claridad y la información correcta es crucial al momento de rentar una habitación o piso en Londres, por lo tanto este diálogo te ayudará a lograr ese objetivo.

A = Casero / Dueño
B = Tú

Para la cita

A: Hello. 

B: Hi, I have just seen your advert on Facebook /Spareroom. I’m calling about the room for rent. Is it still available?

A: Yes, it’s available. Would you like to see it? / Would you like to have a viewing?

B: Yes,  I would like to have a viewing, please. When can I come?

A: You can come tomorrow at 2:00 pm

B: Ok, see you tomorrow at 2:00 pm then. Bye

Preguntas comunes que un Landlord podría hacerte

A: Is it just for you or someone else?

B: It is just for me Sir / It is for my girlfriend and me

A : Where are you from?

B : I am from Spain 

A: How long have you been in London?

B: I’ve been living in London for about 3 weeks / I’ve just arrived

A: What is your job? / What do you do?

Si estás desempleado debes encontrar una buena razón para convencer que puedes pagar tu renta a tiempo. Puedes mencionar que tienes ahorros suficientes o que tus padres te están apoyando o algo mas consistente.

B: I’m working as receptionist/au pair/ waiter/   I’m currently unemployed, however, I ’ve got enough savings in my account to pay the rent in advance.

A: Who is your employer?

B:  I’m a banker at The Bank of England

A: How long have you been working at this position?

B: I have recently started, three weeks ago.

A: Are you in full-time or part-time employment?

B: I do work full – time / part-time

A: Do you have any reference from previous landlords?

B: Yes I do, You can contact them if you wish.

Frases que podrías usar para recomendarte:

I am an easygoing person who enjoys London and its people.

I aim to apply for a better job soon and earn a better income.

I have always been a peaceful and responsible tenant.

Preguntas que tu deberías hacer

– Where is it located?    

– How much is the rent?

– Is it weekly or monthly?

– Does it include any bills?

– Does the property have central heating and double glazing?

– How many people live in the flat/house/property?

– What is the nearest tube station/train station/bus station?

– Are pets allowed?

– Are there any facilities in the building?

– What is the neighbourhood like?

– Is there any private parking?

– What do you expect from your new tenant?

– Would you mind if I put up my friend over the weekend sometimes?

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